Day 1 summer break

Hello everyone I am finally in California, where are you? any way lets get down to business.


So my uncle lives here in California and he works on military drones. They are  turbo-prop and they are big but you don't drive them from in the airplane you drive it from other places. It was so cool. I can't tell you so much about it because it is top secret. I cant show you a picture of anything there because no phones allowed. Some other military branches  like air force and army were also making those drones. Don't fight the US or you will go down. Some drones  are almost finished. They have lasers to guide the bombs which  can weigh up to 500 pounds!


I would rate this place sixty out of five stars. I loved it. So please comment if you have any questions! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

p.s. If you are traveling comment tell me how it is and where you are. I might want to go there next year! Thanks and I hope you like the rest of my trip in California!!


  1. I get super pumped over drones too lol. Your uncle Vince gave your comment 60 out of 50 stars :-)


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